I've just been looking through the documents hacked from the CRU at the University of East Anglia and would like to draw your attention to this PDF. It's a policy document setting out how to change our behaviour in respect to the climate change debate. Here are some snippets from it.
The Rules of the Game
Climate change must be ‘front of mind’ before persuasion works
Currently, telling the public to take notice of climate change is
as successful as selling tampons to men. People don’t realise
(or remember) that climate change relates to them.
Use both peripheral and central processing
Attracting direct attention to an issue can change attitudes, but
peripheral messages can be just as effective: a tabloid snapshot
of Gwyneth Paltrow at a bus stop can help change attitudes to
public transport.
Link climate change mitigation to positive
Traditional marketing associates products with the aspirations of
their target audience. Linking climate change mitigation to home
improvement, self-improvement, green spaces or national pride are
all worth investigating.
Use transmitters and social learningAnd now they seek to enlist the help of Doctors
People learn through social interaction, and some people are
better teachers and trendsetters than others. Targeting these
people will ensure that messages seem more trustworthy and are
transmitted more effectively.
We need trusted organisations and individuals that the media canNow we scare the little girl to death with a bedtime story involving drowning bunnies.
call upon to explain the implications of climate change to the
UK public.
Another classic marketing rule: changing behaviour byLet's have some "smart" meters thrown in, so we can wallow in our shame at destroying the Planet.
disseminating information doesn’t always work, but emotions
and visuals usually do.
Make climate change a ‘home’ not ‘away’ issueAnd finally, just keep repeating the lies over, and over, and over, and .................
Climate change is a global issue, but we will feel its impact at home –
and we can act on it at home.
Everyone must use a clear and consistentYou can find the article on this site. Fuckterra
explanation of climate change
The public knows that climate change is important, but is less clear
on exactly what it is and how it works.
It's down at the bottom and called New Rules, New Game
And if you want a complete breakdown of Climategate the fairy tale. Do read this, it's fascinating reading
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