I've just had my first political flyer through the door today. This was the most pathetic piece of utter shite I've seen for awhile. It was from the green party. Apart from a small paragraph about giving me some cavity wall insulation (Not much use to me as my house has not got a cavity to be seen) the rest could have come from the communist manifesto circa 1950.
Oh well. Time to oil the shredder in readiness.
And this bag is his wife.
Hazel Dawe
Hazel Dawe lives in Tonbridge, Kent with her husband, fellow Green campaigner Steve Dawe and their dog. She is Chair of Kent Green Party and campaigns officer for West Kent Green Party.
Hazel is active in Transition Town Tonbridge, Haysden Country Park Users' Panel and Tonbridge Line Commuters. She supports UNITE the Tunbridge Wells multi-cultural organisation.
Hazel is a senior lecturer in Law, at London Metropolitan University. She teaches Contract Law, Consumer Protection and European law.
She does not drive a car and uses public transport, cycling and walking. She commutes to work by train.
For a Low Carbon Kent
- Opposition to a new coal fired power station at Kingsnorth in Kent
- Opposition to expansion of Lydd and Manston airports and to an airport in the Thames estuary
- Support for Transition Town groups in Tonbridge, Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells.
No Coal Fired Power Stations or Airport Expansion for Kent
Hazel is resisting the building of a new coal fired power station at Kingsnorth in Kent. She marched from Rochester to Kingsnorth and visited the Climate Camp.
Hazel does not believe that airport expansion in the South East is necessary. She particularly objects to expansion at Manston and Lydd in Kent. She is also opposed to Boris Johnston's proposals for an airport in the Thames Estuary
Hazel spoke at the march and rally for peace in Gaza in Tunbridge Wells organised by Stop the War.

Hazel Dawe at Heathrow Climate Camp
Another barking idiot trying to drag us back to the stone age.