I’ve just received a phone call which brightened up my day.
The call was from a claims management company. The type that promise to get all your money back from misselling of Financial products.
Being very polite, as is my wont, I asked him his Name, the Company he worked for, and other pleasantries.
Before he could take off on his pre-planned spiel I also satisfied myself as to what his charges were. He was just about to launch into his spiel, when I stopped him dead in his tracks with. “I belong to the Telephone Preference service, what you are doing is against the law”.
He proceeded to attempt to explain that he had bought a list from somewhere.
By this time I was getting fed up with the call, so I decided to wind him up with the following:
“So you’re a Fence then?”
Replys he: “What?”
Me: “A receiver of stolen goods”.
Him: “I bought it in good faith”.
Me: “The same as me buying a DVD player in a pub then”.
Well I’ve learnt a few swear words that I hadn’t heard before. Don’t forget I was a sailor which guarantees a broader vocabulary than most. (I can swear in innumerable languages, even Cantonese).
Needless to say I didn’t get any of my non existent claims managed.
I really shouldn’t do it.
*End of snigger*