Mary Cooke, 27, was visited by police after she called 999 to report that she had nearly been run down by a speeding car.
This is what could happen if you do.
Days later, Mrs Cooke received a letter from Staffordshire County Council, warning her of a potential 'referral' for her unborn child. In addition, the council contacted her midwife.
What did she do?
She hadn't finished decorating her hall!
She hadn't finished decorating her hall!
How on earth does it now become a crime? Are we going to have a "decorating officer squad" knocking down our doors for the crime of the wrong colour offense, or the "plumb squad" arresting us for the offence of Showering too long, liable to drain the water pipes"
I give up. What the hell has happened to this country?
I give up. What the hell has happened to this country?