Now I’m presuming that 75% of readers of my blog are non smokers as per current government statistics.
As a smoker I have seen the way the insidious demonization of smokers has steadily increased, and will carry on. Even though smokers contribute nearly £11 billion in tax to the treasury, and the fact that so called smoking related diseases only cost the NHS £2.7 billion, you’d think anti smokers would stop coming out with this blatant horseshit.
I give you Cllr John Butcher.
“If the NHS in Surrey were to be run on the basis that patients with self-inflicted morbidity (mainly smoking, alcohol, narcotics, obesity) and injury (dangerous activities) are, following due warning, placed in a much slower-moving queue for healthcare than ‘other’ patients, this would encourage the self-inflicted to move away from Surrey, to areas where there is no differentiation between patients on the grounds of their contribution towards their condition."I would give you the link but for some strange reason the link seems to have broken.
Now as a non smoker you’re probably thinking. it’s nothing to do with me.
Think again.
The anti smoking template, now proved to have worked is being copied by other health fascist, nanny state groups.
Alcohol. minimum price per unit? Similar to the tobacco duty escalator? Once it’s in it will never go away.
The sun is bad for you. Smother yourself in factor 200 or you’ll die of skin cancer. (Lovely little earner for big pharma). Strange that since this scare escalated in the last decade or so, we’ve seen an escalation of Ricketts through lack of vitamin D.
Salt. Stand away from the shaker now! Of course if you cut down on salty products you WILL die. Salt is a must mineral for our bodies.
I could go on. just google your vice of choice and look further than the top article. it might surprise you.
Do not take what you are told in the main stream media as the gospel. Be your own researcher and make up your own mind. You’ll be appalled at the crap you have been led believe is the truth.
You are sleepwalking into a totalitarian state that doesn’t care about you. It’s all about control.
I see the daily mail have jumped in with both feet in their mouth. TWATS.
The daily Mail
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