I remember well the last referendum on staying in the EU. It was pretty much one sided in favour of staying in. The politicos took over the main stream media and filled the average man’s brain with abject fear of what would happen if we left. The same as now.
Job losses, the stock market would go into freefall, the pound would collapse, our industry could not survive, etc, etc.
So we voted to stay in.
Then we experienced:
The decimation of our fishing grounds by foreign super trawlers, and lost most of our orchards due to the common agriculture policy, the ability to control our population in this small island nation, seventy percent of our laws are now drafted by the EU commission and just nodded through into British law
My thoughts on that last item is why then do we need 650 MP’s to sit back and let others decide the future of our country? Best bet would be to save a considerable amount of money by hanging seventy percent of the MPs and make the remainder work for a living. or better still, hang the lot and start again!
Those of us who would vote to leave are going to have to fight a very one sided battle against those that wish to remain. There is so much vested interest in the remain camp and vast sums of money to be spent in frightening the average Joe into voting to remain.
There is one difference between then and now which could address the balance to some extent.
We didn’t have the internet in the seventies. If I can just persuade a handful of people to vote leave then I’ll consider my job done.