Went to the theatre yesterday. In London.
However it was the wrong day. It coincided with the gay Pride parade. Now your FE has seen some pretty outlandish sights in his life, but really.
Why disport yourself in a faux Kate Middleton wedding dress to board a train at Charing Cross? And what does it do for your sex life when you have twenty five lip piercings? That would be akin to trying to kiss the iron curtain.
This is why the whole gay, transsexual, bi gender, or whatever they want to call the movement lets the side down.
By parading in such a ridiculous way they draw attention to how crass and self centred they are. They just set themselves up for ridicule as I witnessed on several occasions yesterday evening.
I’m sure if there was a heterosexual march through London next weekend, it would be perceived as an outrage akin to the holocaust by those of the Gay persuasion.
Why not live with a quiet dignity that the rest of us aspire to?
Just saying like.