I really am getting fed up with what are now, not just halftruths, but downright lies. All independant reports have stressed that for the last ten years, the earth has cooled. Did you hear that BEEB? C-O-O-L-E-D.
The first decade of this century is "by far" the warmest since instrumental records began, say the UK Met Office and World Meteorological Organization.They really are toeing the party line aren't they?Their analyses also show that 2009 will almost certainly be the fifth warmest in the 160-year record.
Burgeoning El Nino conditions, adding to man-made greenhouse warming, have pushed 2009 into the "top 10" years.
Go on read the whole article. I'm not putting the whole lot here as my blood pressure is high enough.
Oh and bye the way, it has it's very own Hockey stick graph.
Here is the Beeb Propaganda to support dodgy science.
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