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Wednesday, 27 January 2010

How unreliable do you have to be to get a job?

I couldn't believe the article that I read this morning. It would seem that it is non PC to advertise for a "reliable" worker.

When it comes to hiring staff, there are plenty of legal pitfalls employers need to watch out for these days.

So recruitment agency boss Nicole Mamo was especially careful to ensure her advert for hospital workers did not offend on grounds of race, age or sexual orientation.

However, she hadn't reckoned on discriminating against a wholly different section of the community - the completely useless.

Is your mind boggling yet? If not read on.

When she ran the ad past a job centre, she was told she couldn't ask for 'reliable' and 'hard-working' applicants because it could be offensive to unreliable people.

I feel sorry for the people who have such idiocy to put up with.

'Even the woman at the jobcentre agreed it was ridiculous but explained it was policy because they could get sued for being discriminatory against unreliable people.'

The advert is here.


And of course we have the usual weasel words:

Yesterday the Department for Work and Pensions said it could not comment on the conversation Mrs Mamo had with the member of staff at Thetford.

Read the whole article here in the Mail

1 comment:

  1. Not sure that being sued by unreliable people for discrimination would be something for the DWP to be worried about - a genuinely unreliable plaintiff would probably not bother turning up to court.

    I also spot a means of saving LOTS of taxpayers' money:

    Instead of the government-funded NHS "human resources" employees paying private recruiters to write job adverts and then pass these on so that the government-funded JobCentre+ does all the running around looking for people to fill the post, why not get off their fat bottoms, cut out the middle-man (or woman in this case), and recruit directly, or approach the government-funded JobCentre+ themselves, thus saving valuable NHS resources instead of throwing them at someone to do their job for them?

    Or is a "human resource" role within the NHS somehow different to that in private companies?


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