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Wednesday, 25 March 2015

It's bad for you.


Is there nothing that the bansturbators NOT want to ban?

Most people love a good cup of hot tea, so it may be surprising to learn that your morning cuppa could be bad for you.
Recent research at University College London suggests that drinking tea could be detrimental to health, causing frequent nosebleeds and brittle bones.
It is thought that the steam from tea can lead to the weakening or rupturing of the vessels in the nose, causing nose bleeds.
Anyone who has had a nosebleed is advised to avoid drinking any hot drinks for 24 hours.
Researchers found that drinking the liquid while it is extremely hot is especially bad for you, and that allowing the tea to steep for at least five minutes will not ruin the flavour.
I've been drinking tea for most of my life and have never had a nose bleed.

Will the twats please leave us alone to our own devices.