However I’m contributing more CO2 to the atmosphere, (As if I care) by not having one of those new fangled condensing boilers (NFCB). Now my old fashioned boiler (Nearly new, due to getting it fitted before the diktat came in from the government, that you had to fit condensing crap), works by heating my water and storing it in an insulated tank. Works for me, as throughout the day I have hot water on tap. (Boiler on for one hour morning and early evening, with half hour top up at midday). (From what I’ve read and heard, most new installations do not have hot water cylinders. Why not?)
If you have a NFCB system that’s fitted now it’s akin to having one of those old fashioned Ascot boilers that just supplied hot water on demand.
Remember them? From turning on the tap it took forever to get a decent temperature hot water.
Well the new condensing boilers as fitted to my son’s and eldest daughter’s houses are modern day clones.
To do the washing up just now in my abode it only took about a fifth of a gallon at the most in order for me to have piping hot water entering my washing up bowl. (I do the washing up, her indoors knows her place and does the ironing)
At my son’s house it takes for ever and at least three gallons before just tepid water issues from the tap. Five minutes later if you need to refill the washing up bowl, you have to go through the whole rigmarole again, FFS.
Did TPTB envisage this when they decided to meddle in things they don’t understand, all in the name of preventing the utter twaddle of man made global warming?
No wonder we have a water shortage if we use at least fifteen times as much water before it is hot enough to usefully use.
Wankers. (In my time as an engineer they were known as “non technical terrorists”)