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Tuesday, 22 May 2012

I found it

Last night I was frustrated. I’d found out that the Co-Op had commissioned a report by Manchester University, on the subject of Shale gas. When I followed the link I was given, all that was to be found was the executive summary. What I wanted was the real facts and figures about the quantities that might be available. I searched this morning and have now found the whole document.

it was quite interesting as it gives proven natural gas reserves and a breakdown of Shale gas reserves.


Now to me 566 billion cubic meters to me is not to be sniffed at. And these are only onshore reserves.

And that is a lower estimate than Cuadrilla  Resources estimate. They put the amount of recoverable gas in their drilling area to be 1,132bcm.

Island Gas Limited have estimated that there maybe between 2.5bcm and 131bcm in their area.

Eden energy estimate a recoverable volume of 362bcm.

f you would like to read for yourself the article is here. However the article has been produced for a warming agenda.