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Friday, 27 January 2012

How dare they call me such a name!

The Guardian is running a quiz on how European you feel. Well not very, in my case.

Like 1% of respondents, you've been rated:


For you it's time to re-arm and settle some old scores.

You can’t win em all.

Why don’t you give it a go.


  1. I'm "Euro-septic", apparently.

    Weird how all the pro-EU categories have nice, friendly, positive names, whereas all the anti-EU categories have harsh, negative names.

    Almost as if the Graun has an agenda? Surely not?

  2. It's 1% of Guardian readers, but probably 75% of the general population.

    I liked the question:

    Q: "What comes to mind when you hear mention of France?"

    A: "Agincourt, Trafalgar and Waterloo."


  3. I'm Irish and apparently I'm also in the 1%.

  4. The Grauniad is the best paper for litter trays, but not with those gurning idiot faces on it - I don't wish to frighten the animals.
    1% trash I is too.

  5. Q: "What comes to mind when you hear mention of France?"

    A: Cheese-eating, collaborating surrender-monkeys ...

    If I owned a dozen Frenchmen who were worth as much as they believe themselves to be .. I'd probably be the richest bugger this side of Nagasaki .. ;)

    The reality however, is that I'm even richer than that ..

    I'm an ENGLISHMAN !

  6. Hmm, it allows multiple entries.

    Was a sceptic, now with the 1%.

  7. "Q: "What comes to mind when you hear mention of France?"

    A: "Agincourt, Trafalgar and Waterloo."

    Was there any other choice of answer?

  8. What a load of rubbish apparently I am Euro-logical, when I am Euro trash in my opinion

  9. Ancient +Tattered Airman27 January 2012 at 21:14

    I am a Euro septic! (Can they mean euro-sceptic or are they just being spitefully Grauniad?)

  10. Its Europe which is septic ..

    Like a fat, pus-filled boil stuffed with corruption, which needs urgent lancing ..

  11. I am awfully sorry , I answered the questions honestly and scored 13% .
    I am only a Eurosceptic

  12. Like 1% of respondents, you've been rated:

    1%? The band played ....

    Even if it's true, I still stand by every answer I gave - and I always will.

  13. 1% here too.

    I'm wondering that if a million people took the test with rabidly anti answers, we'd still be in the 1%, don't want to give people ideas, do we?


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