Now I never ever read the Sun. However today I snuck over out of curiosity about their labour Party poll. Then I found an article that made me spit coffee all over my keyboard.
THE world's first "sexbot" — a life-sized rubber doll named Roxxxy who can chat about football — has been unveiled.
The dark-haired, lingerie-clad robot has inbuilt artificial intelligence — meaning she can talk footie and cars with her owner.
If that was not bad enough, it goes on:
Prospective owners can pick from the five different "personalities" depending on their individual preference.
There is Wild Wendy - who is outgoing and adventurous, Frigid Farah - who is reserved and shy, Mature Martha and S&M Susan - available for more adventurous types.
And later:
Whatever next. Crooked Politicians. No we've had them.
And believe you me. She looks nothing like the picture at the top of this post.
Update: Apparently the article is a hoax. I knew I shouldn't have gone there!
A male version of the doll, dubbed Rocky, is also planned.
Whatever next. Crooked Politicians. No we've had them.
And believe you me. She looks nothing like the picture at the top of this post.
Update: Apparently the article is a hoax. I knew I shouldn't have gone there!
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