Saturday, 21 May 2016

That poll on Brexit.

Last Sunday I posted a poll "Is David Cameron a shining light in the darkness of the referendum?".

The results are below.

Now I expected option 2 would get the most votes and it got me thinking. How accurate are the mainstream polls this time around? After all they got it wildly wrong at the general election.

At the moment the mainstream polls are predicting a win for remain and the bookies have shortened their odds to suit.

Yet if you look at online polls they seem in the main to indicate leave is ahead by a margin. I think their are a lot of people who are not letting on that they are going to vote leave.

1 comment:

  1. Out on the front line here in liberal Arty Farty territory, I would say it is about 50/50. Remainers don't engage and just grunt where as leavers are quietly grateful to you but not inclined to advertise the fact.


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