Sunday, 28 February 2016

Just a thought

Our prime minister castigates those who wish to leave the EU by telling them they must have a coherent plan if the vote in the referendum is to leave.

He calls on Leave campaigners to spell out the kind of trading relationship Britain would have outside the EU and demands that they detail how the UK would cooperate with other countries to stop terrorists.

In an appeal to voters, the Prime Minister says jobs, the cost of living and family finances are all at stake in the referendum on June 23.

Isn’t that the job of the government of the day? To plan for both scenarios. Leave and remain.

After all the civil service have been instructed to withhold information about the EU from skeptical cabinet ministers. How can the leave campaign be blamed?


  1. "He calls on Leave campaigners to spell out the kind of trading relationship Britain would have outside the EU" - FFS I read the detail of exactly how that would work in a UKIP publication two years ago at least !!!!

    As for how we stop terrorists - how about we decide who comes here and we decide who we are allowed to throw out? Works for me...

  2. profoundly_disturbed29 February 2016 at 07:06

    "Isn’t that the job of the government of the day?"

    You poor, sad, delusional. I'll bet you still believe in Santa Claus

  3. The "Leave" campaign will marshal every possible legitimate and illegitimate manipulative tactic and rhetorical device to promote their argument. The "Stay" campaign will do exactly the same.

    There will be grifters like the BREXIT THE MOVIE folks who will do alright financially - capitalizing just like so-called Charities do when ever a natural disaster hits in some Third World shite-hole.

    Yawny yawny cunt cunt

    Wake me up the morning of June 24, 7 am New York, New York time. (12:00 UTC?) to witness the collective heartbreak and inevitable recriminations. Innit?
    Then we can all bitch about woefully inadequate preparations in Brasil and the coming pandemic of the mutated Ebola-Zika virus.


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