Sunday, 20 December 2015

Too true




  1. Only, if you get to use the software.

  2. Who reads Software Agreements?
    In the beginning you ignore it and click agree.

    And lay off with the sexist shite will ya?

    1. SR: "And lay off with the sexist shite will ya?"

      Let me think about that for a second .... ah, No.

      Will somebody call the WAAAmbulance, there a female on the internet who doesn't like anything she disagrees with.

    2. ".....Will somebody call the WAAAmbulance, there a female on the internet who doesn't like anything she disagrees with....."

      Were you under the influence of strong drink when you pixellated that lexical offal?
      Among the countless errors of syntax and grammar, ending a sentence, no matter how bad already, with a preposition is something up with which Sir Winston and I will not put!

  3. Women have no time to argue anyway, too busy with the ironing, cooking and dishes. Note that women have smaller feet, so they can get closer to the sink..

    1. Women also have a lower centre of gravity which makes them ideal for carrying baskets of laundry, groceries and up to two mewling whelps at any given time. It is also easier for women, rather than men, to pick up ragged pairs of soiled underwear and socks off the floor.
      Men, conversely, have a higher centre of gravity - this means that men are prone to 'falling over when heavy with drink' and hence easier to push down a flight of stairs.
      With a lower centre of gravity, it is easy for a woman to haul the crumpled body at the foot of the stairs, over the landing, through the foyer, out the door and into the garden for burial.

  4. "with a preposition is something up with which Sir Winston and I will not put!"

    Better then, get used to 'up putting' with things you'd rather not.

    1. Not bad. Not bad at all. You were only a comma away from sublime perfection. My time here will prove not to have been a waste after all, me thinks.

  5. Did you know that an anagram of 'Sterculian Rhetoric' is 'Grammatically Pedantic Cow' - give of take the odd letter.
    When you've finished burying the body under the patio, love, could you pop round and redo the cement grouting in mine? The old lady does try hard but is crap at that.

    1. The anagram is actually, 'Fucking Grammatically Pedantic Cow - give or take a few more odd letters.

      Alas, as much as I would love to grout your sagging, flabby and aged white ass, Penseivat, as a member of the homogametic sex, I lack the genetic constitution necessary to even develop much less excel at those sorts of skills. With my lower centre of gravity, I can lay the Stones(1), but I know nowt 'bout grout.


      (1) Except Mick. All i would want to do with him would be to lick his bee-sting lips and stick him to the nearest wall.

  6. Who says my 'ass', which should really be 'arse' being English, is white? I am of mixed race which makes that part more of a healthy sun tanned colour rather than a pale, unhealthy, white. As for being flabby or sagging, I would suggest my good lady would argue with you there.
    Afraid you used a lower case 'I' when referring to yourself. Tut, tut, but forgivable.
    Have a good Christmas and hope you receive what you deserve.

    1. ".....pale, unhealthy white....."

      Right on! Bro!
      Though I must remind you that a 'sun tanned colour' is not healthy if your pre-exposure melanin content is low and albedo is high.
      Skin cancer.
      If one is naturally pallid, a sun tan is NOT healthy.
      Though you and I need not worry 'bout that. Innit?

      ".....Have a good christmas....."?

      Fuck off. And stop telling me what to do.


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