Wednesday, 2 December 2015

I don't belieeeeve it.

I watched the entire six o'clock news on the BBC tonight and there was not one mention of COP21, the IPCC, or climate change in the whole half hour. Shouldn't it be more important than doping, in the international athletics, which was discussed at minute 20, or how social workers will be going out with the police to make house calls on disruptive households.

Has the BBC suddenly realised that they've backed the wrong horse?

A short video follows where the question is asked: Why should climate change be more important than combating terrorism?


  1. "Shouldn't it be more important than doping, in the international athletics, "

    It's been a very long time since 'sport' had its own, mercifully short section at the end of the real news.

  2. Radio 4 has been making up for reduced coverage elsewhere. Every opportunity to drag in 'climate change' has been eagerly followed or introduced in every current affairs programme, interview or discussion.


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