Saturday, 15 November 2014

The English Pub


Rules of etiquette for foreigners who visit UK pubs.

These are, of course, renowned the world over as places to get to know the local people. To ensure a  pleasant evening's drinking, follow these tips:

Select your pub  carefully. The best pubs are those in the inner cities, around some of  the least salubrious housing. The people here cannot afford to go out, so pubs in these districts are full of upper-crust Englishmen who travel  here in their Bentley cars to get away from the hustle and bustle of country  pubs.

Mix with the locals. These "toffs" often put on a coarse accent after a glass or  two of beer; do not be intimidated, they are resting their throats after  talking "posh" all day. They will be glad to play Eton college word-games: "Get Up, That's My Seat", "You look a poof-to-me!"  and "Is-she-for sale?" Call out one of these games to any large chap, and have fun.

Order your drinks  carefully. Bartenders are notoriously dishonest (indeed, they are proud  of this tradition, and enjoy having their "leg pulled"). If you order a spirit drink, they will pour a little into your glass; insist  on it being topped up to the brim. When tasting your first sip of beer,  exclaim that there must be water in it. They will admire you for your candour, and will offer to buy you a drink "on the house". Pubs  that sell "real ale" are attempting to emulate Budweiser beer; let the landlord know where he is going wrong. He will be very grateful for advice from a foreigner.

"Darts"  is a common pub game. Your opponent will throw darts at the circular board  - your object is to pull them out faster than he can throw them. If you  see a game in progress, reserve your place by rubbing out all the numbers  on the blackboard.

It is common to  find pool tables in pubs. Beware, they are not playing to American rules! To join a game of pool already in progress, simply pick up one of the  cues provided, walk to the table, and quickly cue the black ball into the nearest pocket. You are now in the game. The object is to pot all  your balls as quickly as possible without disturbing the white. Don't  be disheartened if you miss a shot; quickly move on to the next. You score  extra points for "blocking" your opponent's attempts to shoot,  using your hands.

Remember that free snacks, such as crisps and peanuts, are kept behind the bar to retain freshness.  For goodness' sake, don't let them "rip you off" by demanding money!

At about 11 o'clock, it is traditional for the barpeople to call the game of "time",  leave their posts and wander around the pub, shouting at people. Do not  be alarmed - they may sound like they want you to leave, but in fact the reverse is the case. English pubs close after dawn, and the staff are shouting to stimulate drinkers to continue spending their money. The object of this game is to remain where you are! To ensure you don't get thirsty  during this period, buy a few rounds just before 11 o'clock (it's a slow time for the staff, so use this opportunity to chat). Drink slowly. You'll have ample opportunity to catch up when the barman returns to his post.

When you do leave  the pub, you are likely to find a small crowd of happy revellers outside, singing traditional songs as they await their chauffeurs. This is known  as "chucking-out time" The ladies in these crowds are sad and lonely; why not ask the male chaperones if their lady friends would like to come back to your hotel? Offer to make them very happy. The men will probably ask you to discuss the pedigree of their charges in the privacy of the pub car park.


  1. Good guide for foreigners, I'd quite like them to get a hiding.

  2. Brilliant.

  3. What about popping out to smoke a fag now and then.

    1. I understand some pubs have special areas for fags.

  4. Excellent. It just needs to be translated and let loose on the 'net.

  5. No mention of

    Of course pubs don't really exsist cos they are all restaurants which have that quaint bar area still in them like in Victorian times...foreigners love it

    1. I take it you can see the picture is empty of people. It was taken after the smoking ban.

  6. Tour de force - let's publicize.


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