Wednesday, 5 March 2014

The second front against smokers.


I received an E-mail yesterday, funnily enough it was sent to my spam box. Now I know a lot of vapers are feeling holier-than-thou, but if I was a vaper I would never buy from the company that allowed this press release.

They start off with this:

Go-Lites, a leading supplier of e-cigarettes and e-liquids, is urging employers all over the country to take the lead in stamping out smoking, for the good of their own companies, by introducing their employees to healthy alternatives. In the UK, a staggering one million work days are lost each year due to tobacco related conditions, causing a huge preventable loss for businesses.  Companies who hire smokers also have to worry about long term sickness and lost productivity on regular breaks for workers to get their nicotine fix.  In light of these statistics, Go-Lites are appealing to employers to take the lead in promoting a smoke-free workforce.

I’d like a few facts and figures from where they get their “staggering one million work days are lost each year due to tobacco related conditions,”. Then as you see they churn out the tried and tested mantra, so loved by the anti-smoking zealots, “lost productivity on regular breaks for workers to get their nicotine fix”. Absolute bollocks. There are in place, in law, statutory breaks required by law, which can be used for a smoke. (FAIL again).

Then they continue with this:

Srikanth Vadlamudi, of Go-Lites, says “It is hard to believe that a workforce with up to 250 employees can lose up to £370,520 in lost productivity each year, thanks to smoking.  Employees who smoke pose a health risk to themselves, but each day off work caused by the diseases and conditions associated with smoking also has a negative impact on the rest of the workforce.

Where the fuck does he get that estimate from? Probably cloud cuckoo land, I expect.

And what are these “diseases” that smokers contract that lays them low. I worked for 43 years and never saw any such productivity loss due to “smoking related illness”. Most of the time off was people using a common cold as an excuse.

Now if any decent employer reads this, I suggest you point any member of your workforce who want to quit, to buy E cigs  from someone who actually cares and is not using the war against smokers to feather their own nests.

If an article was written telling employers that they shouldn’t employ gay people as the risk of time off due to HIV was higher than with heterosexuals, there would be hell on.

If smokers want to go the vaping route, I suggest you buy your product elsewhere.

Bye the way vapers, you are next due to an EU directive soon to become law. You could have had the support of 20% of the population but you were too righteous and ignored us. You made your bed and therefore you can lie in it.

If you’d like to discuss this with the originator of this junk science, feel free.

Contact: Issued by Dakota Digital. For press enquiries, contact Lauren Carroll. Email: Tel: 0161 818 9624.


  1. The vast majority of vapers would be as disappointed with this company as we are. Nice find, definitely needs to be shared. ;)

    1. I'm a vaper and I'm not so much disappointed as disgusted. Also I see that the rubbish they sell on their site wouldn't be given a second look by any serious vaper. And FE, I use a TECC VTR, its been a while since I smoked, but at work I still look forward to spending my breaks in the smoking shelter among friends. Smoker or vaper, it makes no difference. Its time we stood together.

  2. All of those [deranged] claims are from their website:

  3. An, unsurprisingly, not any mention of upcoming EU restrictions anywhere on their web site. Another vendor here for the short-term ?

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Most vapers are no holier than thou toward smoking, this press release is typical of the 'cash in to the industry' nature of certain businesses who are trying to hawk the now dated and ineffective generation 1 (cig-a-like) devices in order to get their hooks into smokers.

    Personally I see anyone who wants to switch to vaping as someone wanting an alternative - NOT the enemy, second class smoker, leper or pawn to be used in an 'us vs them' game.

    The fact is though that smokers and vapers should be uniting to fight overbearing legislation on both fronts, the people in power seem to be on an anti nicotine crusade and despite vaping being many times less harmful than smoking they are trying to harshly control and regulate both with stricter controls on the tobacco alternative (bizarrely)

  6. I'd imagine alcohol causes a great deal more lost hours than any 'smoking related illnesses'

  7. I vape but don't feel I demonize smokers. Been there, did that. I agree with Gainn, I imagine more time is lost to employers due to alcohol than smoking.

    1. No, you're demonizing drinkers instead in that comment. There is no lost time, whether it be from smoking, vaping or drinking because people at work smoke or vape during their LUNCH break ffs.

      When are we going to unite against this crap? Not only smokers and vapers but also drinkers and the overweight. We are all in the same boat.

  8. It is such a delicate topic. I stopped smoking tobacco because I was worried about my health. E cigarettes provided an alternative. This though is MY reason and because cigarette smoking does not affect me (even in the same room) it is not enough for me to go pushing my views onto other people. What does affect me, and affect me in a much more direct way than the smell of a cigarette, is the smell of people who demonise smokers. We can see the danger that these people represent. We can see it in the disgraceful article above - the hypocrisy of this line of advertising is mind-boggling. They are divisive, arrogant, puritanical, utterly selfish, and totally inhumane in their attitudes and actions. (Perhaps Dick Puddlecoat could supply a nice swear word for each of these) They seem to think that a smoker IS a cigarette, and as for me with my e cigarette ... All I can say is, "I do not have a battery up my bum."

  9. quite frankly the equipment they sell is poor and overpriced. i d not know a single vaper who would agree with them, buy thier product or support anything they are saying to employers.

  10. additionally the 'made your bed so you can lie in it.' is a tad ott in my opinion. just because you don't like what some pricks have written does not mean you need to become a prick yourself.

    1. Unfortunately for all of us there are some very "Holier than thou" vapers. Some of them have watched smokers being de-normalised with positive glee.

      Apart from that, I can be as bigger prick as I like. My blog, my rules.

  11. And that's where you see the difference between the free market (which is bloody great) and western capitalism (which varies from being a supporter of the free market, which is nice, to being cocks who suck up to the state to make their money. Answer? Less state, more free market.


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