Sunday, 8 December 2013

Silly me.

At the moment this computer I’m writing my usual drivel on is situated on a table in the kitchen. This is because Mrs FE doesn’t like the sound of keys clicking and me swearing at the monitor, whilst she’s watching the X Factor. ( personally I think my screaming sounds better than any of the X Factor contestants).

However the computer has to be re-sited elsewhere as Mrs FE wants one of those big American fridges to take it’s place. A new venue has been found in a small bedroom, but a new desk will be required.

I’ve just spent an inordinately length of time scouring the internet for a suitable table to fit in the space allotted and was up to page 32 on  Amazon and beginning to despair at finding one suitable for my needs.

You’re probably wondering why that should be a problem? The answer is I was trying to find one with a shelf to hold my rather large printer. Could I find one with a suitable shelf? Yes of course I could, but I’m not paying £450 fucking quid for a desk!

Just in case I might find one eventually with a shelf I decided to measure the dimensions of the printer. Immediately I realised what a fuckwit I was. On top of this new printer was a small glowing blue icon in the form of a transmitting antenna. I’d completely forgotten that this new printer was WiFI and therefore doesn’t need to be near the computer at all.

Mind you Mrs FE and myself will never agree where the printer will have to be sited. (I wonder if it’ll fit on top of the fridge freezer?)

A plus side as pointed out by my kids and their partners. is the existing larder fridge can now become a dedicated ready use beer fridge.

I’ll drink to that.


  1. Couldn't Mrs FE put the big American fridges in the small bedroom?

  2. Just because the printer has an icon to suggest that it can be wireless operated does not mean that you can actually connect your computer to it wirelessly. I have an Epson SX445 which could but I had a problem with printing so I had to take it back to be fixed. It was exchanged and the new one does not connect except by wire. This is not a problem for me as it is next to the desk top. She who must be obeyed wants to print from the living room. Looking at the forums on the net it seems this is a problem with this printer.

  3. Cheap small desk: Piece of kitchen worktop (a kitchen fitter will probably give you an offcut big enough they get loads of half lengths). Fix one end and back edge to the wall and use a chrome worktop leg at the other end. If you need a printer shelf small tables are available from Ikea for under a tenner, stand it under the 'desk'.
    Cost is next to nothing and it can actually look smart and maximise the space if done well.

  4. Kids have an innate understanding of the importance of beer. It is one of the few characteristics that makes them marginally more useful than house cats...some of the time.

  5. Ahhh the beer fridge! I managed to persuade She Who Must be Obeyed that we needed another fridge freezer. This has gone down into the cellar the freezer is full of, well frozen food and the odd set of valve guides for overnight chilling. The fridge is usually 1/2 full of beer, never quite manage to keep it full for long.
    For a desk I used some fire doors with an oak finish, the offcut off one of them supports one end, then they have been joined together with kitchen work top clamps, the rest by a wood strip fixed to the wall.


  6. Ikea if you have the patience. Cheap reasonable stuff. See if you can upset 'Ask Anna'. I did and she signed off with the hump. Plus I wasn't even asking her about test match scores or booking flights.


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