Friday, 2 August 2013

Did you know?

Today is……….

beer glass

International Beer Day.



  1. I didn't know, but the date is now inscribed upon my calendar.
    Nevertheless, I did, somehow, manage to raise a pint or two or .... in unintended celebration.
    At least I now have an excuse for one day out of the year!

  2. I had no idea, either. However, I must be psychic, as I cracked a bottle of biére la Goudale (7.2 ABV, Champagne style wired cork...)) today, for no reason other than I fancied it! Very nice it was too! I've had it in the fridge for ages, waiting for an opportune time to quaff it. I'll remember to get in a 'special' for next year, too!

  3. I had no idea, either. However, I must be psychic, as I cracked a bottle of biére la Goudale (7.2 ABV, Champagne style wired cork...)) today, for no reason other than I fancied it! Very nice it was too! I've had it in the fridge for ages, waiting for an opportune time to quaff it. I'll remember to get in a 'special' for next year, too!

  4. Sorry about the double post - I just clicked the 'back' button a couple of times. Fucking computers...


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