Wednesday, 5 June 2013

A reply at last.

Just under a month ago I read a letter in the comments to an article in the financial times. The letter was addressed to our prime minister.

It’s produced  on my site HERE. It's about climate change and energy supplies.

Anyway I thought the author wouldn’t mind if I used it. After a bit of adjustment I sent it to my MP. The reply received today is reproduced (Badly) below. My apologies for the poor quality, but I had to scan it and then snip the content.





It seems he is somewhere on the same planet as me.


  1. Carrot and Stick...

  2. I notice that Sir John voted in favour of the Climate Change Bill in 2008 despite his statement to you stating his scepticism about aspects of climate "science" and concerns about the government's obsession with windmills and its desire to delay fracking at all costs. As a matter of interest, as well as supporting the Climate Change Act, he also voted in 2009 - indeed pressed the then government - to sign up to the 10:10 "climate change" campaign.

    It's always good to see a sinner who repenteth. However, I wonder what Sir John's response to an econutter constituent would be now. I suspect that his voting record on "climate change" issues would be called in evidence of his good intentions in that regard.


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