Thursday, 2 May 2013

They’re campaigning hard.

My local councillors are trying very hard to get my vote in the council elections.

Are they buggery.

In fact the only sign of any campaigning is a pamphlet from UKIP. I think that the big parties seem to think that they’ve either got my vote (Tory), or don’t stand a chance of getting my vote (Labour, Libdem). This really pisses me off. In fact I’ve never, in the 25 years that I’ve lived at this address, ever actually had a politician knock on my door and try to persuade me to vote for them. (Lazy presumptive bastards, the lot of them).

So, I shall be voting Ukip. At least they made some sort of effort, not like the other parties that just presume how I’ll be voting.


  1. Barnehurst Bob2 May 2013 at 19:57

    No elections in my neck of the woods FE, but I have to agree with your point. I live in a safe Tory seat, so I don't see anyone at the door from any party. I understand my local MP went to marginal constituencies to campaign in the last election. For that alone he deserved to lose, but didn't.

    I really wanted the labour candidate to call so I could spell out my opinions on that party.

  2. We have had almost nothing about yesterday's elections, just one badly printed Labour leaflet. Not even a UKIP flier!
    But for most local elections we do usually get doorstepped by the Liberals, a testimony to their local organisation and the dedication of their local politicians who usually arrive in person.
    I detest the Liberals as a party but around here someawhat ironically we do have a couple of sensible hard working local ones.

  3. I've had a letter from the Tory candidate - but our local council is dominated by them, so perhaps they are getting worried. A few years back I had a knock at the door from some female Tory canvassers, and one was having a close look at the back of my Fiat Panda (which was adorned with some of Gotty's highly offensive artwork!). She rather liked one of the posters, but I felt duty bound to warn her that visiting the relevant website might not be the best idea...

    I voted UKIP - not because I think it will make a blind bit of difference, but because the alternative is not voting at all.

  4. I have had at least 3 visits from Conservative candidates in the last 4 years in my ward plus one parliamentary candidate in 2005. I felt sorry for the prospective MP who lost to the sitting Labour MP. A new candidate won in 2010 but not with my vote. The leader of the Conservative council appeared on the doorstep in 2011 and asked for my vote. The Galloway phrase about them being three cheeks of the same arse sprang to my lips and he left quickly before he got a tirade. My wife was not impressed but I felt better for a little while. This was the guy who was most offended by Dick Dellingpole's Facebook page appearing as three men standing behind Hitler.

    UKIP has done quite well here winning a couple of seats but coming second in most. Full results here

  5. I have had at least 3 visits from Conservative candidates in the last 4 years in my ward plus one parliamentary candidate in 2005. I felt sorry for the prospective MP who lost to the sitting Labour MP. A new candidate won in 2010 but not with my vote. The leader of the Conservative council appeared on the doorstep in 2011 and asked for my vote. The Galloway phrase about them being three cheeks of the same arse sprang to my lips and he left quickly before he got a tirade. My wife was not impressed but I felt better for a little while. This was the guy who was most offended by Dick Dellingpole's Facebook page appearing as three men standing behind Hitler.

    UKIP has done quite well here winning a couple of seats but coming second in most. Full results here


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