Sunday, 17 March 2013

Good news about climate change teaching.

They’re not going to brainwash the kiddies until they’re fourteen now.

Debate about climate change has been cut out of the national curriculum for children under 14, prompting claims of political interference in the syllabus by the government that has failed "our duty to future generations".

The latest draft guidelines for children in key stages 1 to 3 have no mention of climate change under geography teaching and a single reference to how carbon dioxide produced by humans impacts on the climate in the chemistry section. There is also no reference to sustainable development, only to the "efficacy of recycling", again as a chemistry subject.

Wow. Especially as I read this in the Guardian. (Spits).

The alarmists are appalled:

"What you seem to have is a major political interference with the geography syllabus," said the government's former science adviser Prof Sir David King.

"It's just hollowed out argument," said John Ashton, the government's climate change envoy until last summer, and a founder of the independent not-for-profit group E3G. "Climate change should have as much prominence as anything in teaching geography in schools."

Maybe the schools can be left to teach real science. Why should children below fourteen need to know about the science of climate change anyway? Then again of course the alarmists need a new generation of children to badger their parents into adopting the global warming narrative.


  1. This is one area where formal coursework provided by the Educational Establishment can be retained AND USED AGAINST THEM, when their message (brainwashing) is proven to be 'wrong'.

    We can also 'call their bluff', demanding their 'degree of certainty' that what they'll preach is correct, with threatened repercussions by Ofsted if they're wrong.

  2. I have just penned a song called "The Greenie Meanie"

    It might be quite good if I ever find a tune? Then again.......


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