Tuesday, 20 November 2012

IDF v Hamas



  1. You don't hear much of this from the MSM. Only yesterday the BBC screened a bit of footage showing an Israeli bomb strike prporting to show how the citizens of Gaza were being attacked relentlessly. They failed to explain the secondary explosions that occurred. You could see from the secondary explosions that a hit had been scored on a Hamas explosives cache.

  2. Apparently Hamas have been executing alleged Israeli spies in the street...

    This is NOT a case of six of one and half a dozen of the other, as even the media striving to appear unbiased suggest.

  3. The one I like is the Pallywood you tube of several Palestinians carrying a man who is allegedly injured from a missile. 2 mins later, there he is miraculouisly restored standing lighting a cigarett.

  4. Usually about now someone turns up to call anyone who points these things out a string of rude names culminating in an assertion that somebody is trying to rule the world.

    All I can say is that if they ARE trying to rule the world, they aren't making a very good tactical job of it.

  5. Excellent post. I'm going to reblog as it's so effective.

    BTW I'm on the side of the civilised Israelis not the uncivilised bearded savages of Hamas.

  6. Thanks for the comments. At least some people have a sense of perspective about what is really going on.

  7. Actually, the one block should not say "Nothing," to be truly accurate, it should say "Missed"


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