Sunday, 25 November 2012

Hamas explained

Pat Condell explains why talking to Hamas is a complete, utter, waste of time.


  1. Wonderful. Just wonderful


  2. Always good for a rant, but never offers a soloution.

    1. And your suggestion for a solution is...?

      Greater minds than Pat Condell have struggled with this one for a long time, and we are still no nearer to any resolution.

      I think that all he is trying to achieve here is to disabuse the BBC watchers / Guardian readers of the pro-Hamas propaganda they are constantly subjected to.

    2. No, greater minds have not struggled with the solution they know the answer, what they have struggled with is having the temerity to implement the solution.

  3. Yeah but he inspires those who do. I don't like the term 'truth-teller' as it's a phrase too often associated with the tin foil hatters, but Pat Condell truly is a truth teller.

    1. Agreed, it just seems to me like somebody egging others on to do the dirty work whilst not getting his own hands dirty.

  4. Trying to implement a solution, whatever it might be, is pointless until you obey the first rule of holes ie. when you find yourself in a hole STOP DIGGING. Personally I think Hamas represents the true feelings of the 'Palestinians' and that peace is not currently possible.


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