Friday, 16 November 2012

An article with a purpose

The Daily Mail has a major article on the Levenson enquiry today and at last has brought into the open a shadow organisation called Common Purpose. Several bloggers have written about this and have been decried as Tinfoil  hatters, nutjobs etc.

I have written about this left wing group that has slithered into every organisation to influence the way the government and industry is run.

Here is some vids for background that I posted in 2009.

And an explanation of their purpose in life.

Common Purpose (CP) is a Charity, based in Great Britain, which creates ‘Future Leaders’ of society. CP selects individuals and ‘trains’ them to learn how society works, who 'pulls the levers of power' and how CP ‘graduates’ can use this knowledge to lead 'Outside Authority’.

Children, teenagers and adults have their prejudices removed. Graduates are ‘empowered’ to become ‘Leaders’ and work in ‘partnership’ with other CP graduates. CP claims to have trained some 30,000 adult graduates in UK and changed the lives of some 80,000 people, including schoolchildren and young people.

But evidence shows that Common Purpose is rather more than a Charity ‘empowering' people and communities’. In fact, CP is an elitest pro-EU political organisation helping to replace democracy in UK, and worldwide, with CP chosen ‘elite’ leaders. In truth, their hidden networks and political objectives are undermining and destroying our democratic society and are threatening ‘free will’ in adults, teenagers and children. Their work is funded by public money and big business, including international banks.

Amazing that the MSM has only discovered CP so recently. What do they do all day?


  1. I don't think they've only just discovered - I suspect it's more a case of publishing now, before they get their freedoms taken away.

    I'll bet there are some pretty angry discussions going on behind the scenes right now...

  2. The Sun got the boot in too, like what microdave says. Last chance saloon and all that.

  3. A FOI request I did showed that my council had a hidden nest of these vipers. maybe I'll send it to my local rag.


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