Monday, 20 August 2012

I’m back


Though I doubt that the majority of the world have missed me.

We managed the journey back from “Oop North” in three and a half hours. All in all, a pretty good time. However your blogger in chief here, hates having to drive on a Sunday. I used to drive every Monday and Friday around the M25 and down the M4 in the rush hour, and was amazed by the professionalism of the drivers of both lorries and car drivers who did this every day. Very rarely did you have to take any serious evasive action, most drivers anticipated the various manoeuvres  of other vehicles.

Not on a Sunday.

Now I drive a powerful car, and like to use it to get from A to B as quickly as possible. One of the things that annoy me most, is when the Sunday driver has no idea that I’m bearing down on him and his insistence of “I’ll stick to 60 so as not to break the law” syndrome. Even when the limit is 70 Mph. I was taught that for every five seconds looking forward, you should spend one second looking in your rear view mirror. This is to gain spatial awareness of the traffic around you. In future do look in your mirror. If you do you’ll realise I don’t appear behind you as if transported down by teleporter.

Another little fact that differentiates a regular motorway user from a Sunday driver is the use of brakes. I very rarely use them. If you’re  using your spatial awareness, you look ahead and watch the brake lights of the vehicles some way ahead of you. All you do is take your foot off the throttle and increase the safe distance between you and the vehicle in front.

Then there's the old man in a hat driving his Rover 25 in the left hand lane that drives at a lower speed than an articulated lorry. Thus causing the Artics to have to pull into the middle lane to pass him. Thus adding to the congestion.

And as for the coloured (Am I allowed to use that term these days?) gentleman driving a taxi in the outside lane at that fore mentioned 60 MPH. Look around you before pulling over into the middle lane. If I hadn’t hooted you, you would have side swiped that car that was minding it’s own business. Incidentally I’ve made a mental note to never hire you.

Lastly. I haven’t had an accident (Tempting fate now) for 30 years. Mind you I’ve probably caused 100’s of Rover 25 to hurtle off the roads.

Just as a foot note. I hired a car to get me from Weymouth to Kent and what did they give me? A Rover 75! I was so ashamed that I parked it a car park rather that have it sit on my drive overnight.


  1. I hate people who stick to the speed limit. It means that they are watching their speedo more than they are watching the road itself.

    1. ..then they are going 10% below the speed limit as in general their speedos overread.

  2. That's why I think that average speed cameras are so dangerous. Luckily my car is fitted with cruise control which leaves me free to keep my eyes on the road where they belong.
    I've always believed that it's only inappropriate speed that kills, not speed in itself. That's the mantra of the hard of thinking.

    1. You are able to use your cruise control? Most of the rabble on the M6 drive slowly uphill and fast down the other side completely unable to keep a constant speed.

  3. Nikos. The cruise control can be adjusted from buttons on the steering wheel. I just control my speed with them.

  4. I own a Rover 75 2.5 Connoisseur V6 automatic with full leather and air con. It is a fabulous car, I have put on it an induction kit and stainless exhaust, and it sounds like a Ferrari and goes like shit of a shovel. You can relax in the superb comfort of a three piece suite. The radio and CD are Kardon and fantastic. People admire it and comment on it, your remarks are curious. Sat nav and phones in cars should be banned they are for stupid cunts.

    1. I own a Rover 75 2.5 Connoisseur V6 automatic [...] goes like shit of a shovel.

      Parkers Guide says: 2.5 V6 Connoisseur 4d Auto: 0-60mph 8.9 secs

      8.9 seconds? Exactly what sort of shit and what sort of shovel are you comparing it to?

      (& I think you mean "off" a shovel?)

  5. Wow, this page does attract some nutters - fancy actually admitting you own a Rover...

  6. A N Other Filthy Engineer21 August 2012 at 08:57

    I once hired a car in Weymouth. They gave me a SMART! I suppose the best thing I can say about is that it got me home.

  7. Driving up the M3 late on Sunday night was similar. Ahead, on a nearly empty road, would be a clump of cars, caused by one fool driving in the middle lane at 40 - 50mph. As this cretin attracted some other dolts into forming a slow-moving convoy behind him, it restricted the sightlines, so cars were passing these morons cautiously on either side. Flashing and hooting was ignored.
    This pattern was repeated every few miles!

  8. A N Other Filthy Engineer

    Have we ever sailed together? Give me a clue.

    1. A N Other Filthy Engineer21 August 2012 at 21:09

      Yes, sailed and relieved several times and our first names are the same.


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