Thursday, 5 July 2012

That’s how you do it.



  1. Per the usual Haynes manual "assembly is the reverse of disassembly. So taking LOTS of pix is the sensible option.

  2. And of course if reassembly WAS the reverse of disassembly there wouldn't be any bits left over!

    Been there and got numerous tee shirts.

    By the way, he didn't show how he set up the twin SU's, or how long it ran before the oil got to the valve gear. Don't try that trick with an overhead cam engine...

  3. ...Or forgetting to clean oil used when fitting pistons off the tops before starting the engine in an enclosed space..... (Coff, coff.)

  4. Blimey! A 3 bearing crank, no high r.p.m. jinks for him then......( it would go BANG if he tried to see it around to the red line ) anyone for DFV Cosworth next time?

  5. "Blimey! A 3 bearing crank, no high r.p.m. jinks for him"

    My uncle and his sons were heavily involved with pre war Austin 7's, and the early "Pram" versions only had TWO bearing cranks! Apparently they used to fit superchargers to racing variants and rev them to ridiculous speeds - the webs often used to hit the inside of the crankcase...

  6. @microdave, I quite believe it but remember that metallurgy was in its infancy then, Norton Commando cranks flex, which is why they fitted Barrel roller bearings on to the drive side to alleviate breakage and a Triumph M/C crank from the 40's would flex by several thou at 6k rpm, however keep either wide open for any real length of time and they will inevitably break much sooner than later, in the seventies I saw many 3 bearing cranks chocking open garage doors after they had succumbed to to many R.P.M.


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