Thursday, 12 July 2012

Do buck up

I’m referring to the group from CACC (campaign against climate change). Look you lot, I signed up to your daily E mail report and haven’t had one for two days now.

I’m really looking forward to participating in your


Organise a “Race to Zero” – with the finishing line at 2030 (as it were). There are lots of different ways to do this – it could be a real race (running, hopping, three-legged, egg-in-spoon etc) perhaps with sponsored participants, with it being as long or short as you like.

Or it could be more of a symbolic race, dress someone up as ‘Climate Apocalypse’ and race against them, or have ‘human wind turbines’ or ‘solar panels’ racing against coal-fired power stations, or oil industry bosses, or prominent skeptics.. The possibilities are endless.

How am I supposed to know what is being organised without regular contact? I intend to have a chat with George (George Monbiot, honorary president. AKA Moonbat), about your lack of zeal in keeping me up to speed.

And while you’re on about it. Can we have a little less “against change”. I would like a little change from torrential rain to a small barbecue summer. (Preferably Saturday). Not much to ask.


  1. They ones with that million jobs caravan that went round the country making CO2?

    Just checked? Yep. Shows their intelligence.


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