Thursday, 10 May 2012

SHS. The truth

Penn & Teller debunk the myth that second smoke kills.

In this video we have Joe Cherner, the rabid antismoking zealot, using every facetious argument in the book as why smokers should be banned from nearly everywhere. It’s almost a religion for him.

He even admits he doesn’t understand the science. Tosspot.

He makes Deborah Arnott from ASH look like a nun, in comparison


  1. ancient + tattered airman10 May 2012 at 20:56

    Have we in the UK no personalities prepared to do the same as Penn & Teller? Or is it the case that our lily-livered 'personalities' lack the stomach for the battle?

  2. The problem is we have no TV channels that have the bottle to air such programmes.

  3. As a non-smoker, I must stand in support of smokers on this one. No one says anything about barbecues in the open air where the carginogenic output from the charcoal, 2 medium size steaks, 2 medium chickens and 2 pork steaks equals over 220,000 cigarettes. What about those nice pizza restaurasnts where the over are is open to the restaurant? Are they going to have to close as well? As Penn says, "This is bullshit!"


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