Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Unpaid law enforcement

This bar owner in Kansas apart from bemoaning the potential loss of her livelyhood, argues that she shouldn’t have to be an unpaid law enforcer.

The Kansas smoking ban has been signed into law by Governor Mark Parkinson but small business owners aren't quitting. Sheila Martin, owner of the Top Hat tavern in Hutchinson, Kansas, speaks out about the harm a smoking ban is causing and who's behind the ban.

If it wasn’t for the American accent, this could be the UK.


  1. Captain Haddock21 March 2012 at 10:39

    I recall, years ago, when VAT was first introduced .. our local ironmonger used to price all his goods with the "actual" price & the "VAT-inflated" price ..

    He also displayed prominent notices in the shop & in the window that he was a reluctant & unpaid tax collector ..

    It made not one iota of difference of course & I did hear that he was constantly hounded by trading standards until he fell into line ..

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei2WhctlRHY

    THIS is what we think of smoking bans and the fools that pass them!


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