Tuesday, 31 January 2012

ACTA: The new threat to the net

More prohibition on it’s way.

ACTA - a global treaty - could allow corporations to censor the Internet. Negotiated in secret by a small number of rich countries and corporate powers, it would set up a shadowy new anti-counterfeiting body to allow private interests to police everything that we do online and impose massive penalties -- even prison sentences -- against people they say have harmed their business.

If you want to make a stand sign the petition HERE

1,217,870 1,218,175  have signed. Help us get to our new target of 2,000,000.


  1. Why does the cynic in me fear the 'Petition' could be organised by those very Corporations which want a ready-made list of potential targets?

  2. Even if that's not the case the claim that "Avaaz.org will protect your privacy" is worth diddly squat if TPTB want to go digging.

    I would love to sign, but......

  3. Ancient +Tattered Airman31 January 2012 at 20:23

    Signed. Impressed that the petion is building to such a figure in a very short time.


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