Friday, 7 January 2011


No. This post has nothing to do with Obnoxio who left the Blogosphere a while back.

This is just a pointer to a very well written article in Spiked about how we have lost our Liberty in the last decade or so. It outlines how the drip drip of insidious legislation has slowly but surely turned the nation into a cowed populace who are forever looking over their shoulders.

Here's a taster for you to peruse.

Over the past 10 years, activities such as dealing drugs or robbery have not become significantly more difficult. But it has become extremely difficult to hold a boys’ football match (requiring CRB checks and child protection courses for the coaches); to hold a concert in a village hall (requires a ‘premises licence’ for ‘regulated entertainment’); to invite an African artist to give a talk at your art gallery (requires that you register with the Home Office as a ‘licensed sponsor’ and issue a ‘certificate of sponsorship’ to your visitor); or to hold a charity cake stall (requires a Public Liabilities Insurance Certificate and in some cases a Portable Appliance Test Certificate).

It’s a thoughtful piece that should be required reading for our political class.

If you have the time the whole article by Josie Appleton it’s HERE

Our Police State.

Thanks to Julia over at Ambush Predator for this one.

A woman has told how she was left “stunned” when her boss was contacted by vice squad officers after her car was seen in Bradford’s red light area.

Anne-Marie Carroll, 45, who is a member of the Bradford Catholic Players, was on her way to the group’s rehearsal rooms in Rebecca Street, driving alone in a company car, which was noted by officers investigating kerb crawling.

Of course she got a grovelling letter of apology from the Police.

Err No.

Supt Williams said: “We make no apology for the robust way in that we tackle the issue of kerb crawling in Bradford.

“This particular tactic to target the men who solicit women has been used for a number of years in the city and with notable success.

“The letters are sent out following detailed observations of a vehicle’s movements and the registered owner is contacted whether it is an individual or a business.

Another case of presumed guilty until you prove you’re innocent.

Those cuts

Last night 1watched the local news where the head of Kent county council was put to the task of justifying £95 million in cuts. What was so interesting was the fact that he could shed 1500 jobs without a reduction in services. The question I would have liked to ask him would be, what the fuck do those 1500 actually do?

He further tied himself up in knots when he pronounced that elderly care would be shifted to the private sector. Why? Because the private sector could care for the elderly cheaper and more efficiently, was his reply. FFS again. In that case O chief executive, why did you even dabble in care if you could only do it inefficiently?

Then again, Kent wouldn’t have been in this state if they hadn’t invested most of their reserves into an Icelandic bank. £50 million smackers they lost.