Friday, 7 January 2011


No. This post has nothing to do with Obnoxio who left the Blogosphere a while back.

This is just a pointer to a very well written article in Spiked about how we have lost our Liberty in the last decade or so. It outlines how the drip drip of insidious legislation has slowly but surely turned the nation into a cowed populace who are forever looking over their shoulders.

Here's a taster for you to peruse.

Over the past 10 years, activities such as dealing drugs or robbery have not become significantly more difficult. But it has become extremely difficult to hold a boys’ football match (requiring CRB checks and child protection courses for the coaches); to hold a concert in a village hall (requires a ‘premises licence’ for ‘regulated entertainment’); to invite an African artist to give a talk at your art gallery (requires that you register with the Home Office as a ‘licensed sponsor’ and issue a ‘certificate of sponsorship’ to your visitor); or to hold a charity cake stall (requires a Public Liabilities Insurance Certificate and in some cases a Portable Appliance Test Certificate).

It’s a thoughtful piece that should be required reading for our political class.

If you have the time the whole article by Josie Appleton it’s HERE

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