Saturday, 24 December 2011

Dear Santa.

Please bring me beer. The kids are drinking my stocks at an alarming rate. Extra mince pies will be left out. And you can help yourself to a large single malt.

Yours truly

A soon to be beerless, Filthy Engineer.

P.S They drink Corona.

PPS. They’ve now started Whining on the wine.

PPPS. If they get near the whiskey, then you may only have to pass over their graves next year. It’ll save you a stop.


  1. Can you still get Corona? It's donkeys years since I last drank any of that...

  2. A very Merry Christmas to all! I managed a blinder with the beer, I persuaded number 2 cost base to buy 12 bottles of very nice beer (Spitfire, Old Peculiar, Fullers ESB, Youngs London Ale, you get the picture), for number 1 cost base as his Christmas present. Number 1 has put it in the fridge, number 2 doesn't drink and Number 3 cost base and myself are eying it up. Hands warming nicely as I rub them together. Enjoy!


  3. Did they not do this last year, sending you out for re-stocks the moment the shops opened again?

    It's time you got in to homebrew.

    Merry Christmas.


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