Wednesday, 12 October 2011

You’re doomed I say, doomed.

Not me of course as I’m special. (Well I think so, and damn the rest of you).

There are only nine days left I’m told. From a reliable source.

Harold Camping, who announced the Rapture would occur Saturday, has had another revelation: The world will now end on October 21.

You remember that man. Apparently God hade a date shopping or something, and couldn’t be bothered to doom us.

Camping says God held off Saturday out of mercy: He did not want man to suffer for five months, but he was here on earth, spiritually.

Speaking on Family Radio, Camping said (via Daily Mail):

Last weekend became a very interesting weekend because May 21 came and has gone and all the dire predictions that have been talked about did not come to pass.

You heard it here first. Or maybe last…………………………………


  1. The only certainty on October 21st is that I shall be raising a glass of Pusser's Rum & drinking a toast to "The Immortal Memory" .. in remembrance and celebration of Lord Nelson's magnificent victory over the French & Spanish at the Battle of Trafalgar ..

    None of your poncy, cock-sucking, arse-stabbing EU ways for "Our Nel" ... ;)

    Camermong take note & hang your head in shame !

  2. I doubt whether Cameron knows who Nelson was and what he did.

  3. True enough FE ..

    He'd probably think it referred to that "born again" South African terrorist ..

  4. Oh, I don't think Harold's in any danger of being forgotten. I'm sure lots of people wrote their next lot of piss taking posts back in May and teed them up for October 22nd.

  5. Thank God for that, I've just got my ticket for man City v Villareal for next Tuesday.

    Would have been a waste of £25 if the world were to end on Saturday.


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