Monday, 17 October 2011

I may be sometime

A few months ago, my son was diagnosed with Cancer of the Thyroid. Very quickly in my mind, he was admitted to Hospital and underwent an operation to remove the entire thyroid. Since then he has been on medication and has made a remarkable recovery.

The second stage of his treatment is about to commence tomorrow, when he will undertake Radiotherapy.

So i’m now travelling up North to where he works and lives, to help him out and assist in his recovery.

And I’d like to say a very special thank you to his employer, Johnson Matthey, who have been so understanding over his illness.


  1. Safe journey and a successful outcome for your lad.

  2. Best wishes and my thoughts are with you and your son.

  3. Subrosa & WOAR.

    Thanks. I'm sure he will be fine. The consultant is quite optimistic.

    So we will be.

  4. If it's a 'bubble' in Christies Hospital then give him this tip from my wife who had her cancered thyroid gland removed six or seven years ago and was given some radioactivity to kill off any remaining thyroid tissue or what her most excellent consultant (who has seen the light and left the country) called 'daughter cancers which are also thyroid tissue so even if they are in the big toe the radiation will get them... bloody hell that was long winded... Drink lots and lots of water, piss as often as possible and take five or six showers per day.

    She was supposed to be in a minimum of 10 days but was released from confinement in 5 days. The nurses began to doubt the rate at which her radioactivity dropped.

    T'cancer has never returned and indeed it cannot because her body is devoid of thyroid tissue.

    Wish him well.

  5. Wishing you both all the very best ..

  6. Sorry to hear that mate. I wish him well.

  7. Best wishes to you and your family.

  8. Safe journey and a healthy outcome both wished for.

  9. It's at times like this that I realise my daughter's chosen profession is a really worthwhile one (she's a radiotherapist). Hope all goes well.

  10. All the best, I hope the treatment is a success.

  11. All the best, FE.

    I have heard that this procedure is usually successful, with very few, if any, side effects.

  12. Take good care of yourselves, and remember to laugh.

    You and your family will be in my thoughts.

    Best wishes


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