Monday, 19 September 2011

Trimming the Fat.

It would seem that some councils and NHS trusts are now deciding that their obesity programmes are too expensive to carry on with.

A weight-loss programme that has helped thousands of obese children is being scrapped by some cash-strapped trusts.

There is too much state interference in how we live as it is.

Of course we have the howls of anguish coming from those anxious to keep their jobs at any cost.

Rachael McGrath, from Mend, warned that evidence-based obesity programmes are vital in preventing children developing chronic diseases such as diabetes. She said: "Being overweight in childhood is one of the biggest risks to a child's current and future health.

Children who are above a healthy weight are much more likely to become obese adults and are at a greater risk of developing chronic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and some types of cancer. With obesity already costing the NHS £4.2 billion each year, it's critical to continue investing in child obesity services."

Here’s some of their Funding partners.

  • Big Lottery Fund

  • Department of Health (West Midlands)

  • Department of Work and Pensions

  • National Skills Academy

  • National Sports Foundation

  • Sport England

  • Welsh Assembly Government

Unfortunately I can’t find anywhere on their site that shows their accounts.

In my opinion there is enough material out in the wild about how we can live healthier without a need for these parasites. It should be the parents taking responsibility for their Children. Not abrogating their responsibility to outsiders.

Now if the councils could also get rid of their “Smoking Cessation Officers”, “Outreach Co-coordinators” (Whatever they are?), & “Alcohol Awareness Partners, we could all live in a happier, and more responsible world where we make our own decisions about our life style.


  1. Just think of all that money they've saved...and then gone and spent it on 2000 new tax inspectors to catch people who are fed up of paying for sh!te they don't want.

  2. If you look up the whois record for this loony tunes organisation it shows up as Mind Exercise Nutrition and Diet Ltd
    run by a Paul Sacher .
    Its a commercial organisation making money from the taxpayers by telling the self same people what to do with their own lives.
    They can all farkoff as far as I am concerned.

  3. Now if the councils could also get rid of their “Smoking Cessation Officers”, “Outreach Co-coordinators” (Whatever they are?), & “Alcohol Awareness Partners, we could all live in a happier, and more responsible world where we make our own decisions about our life style.

    Now that would be trimming the Fat

  4. FE - the weight-loss programs are being scrapped because those in charge of them haven't hit the 'G-spot' of potential funders.

    If they'd reiterated the alleged link with Global Warming (, then they'd get all the money & resources they'd want.

    Until that is, someone points out that the obese generate less CO2 in their lifetime because obesity reduces life-expectancy. [R-G University deliberately chose to ignore that inconvenient fact.]

  5. Ahh the Health Nazis. Gotta love those wacky guys...not. Me I don't gotta like em unless their slowroasted on a spit over an open fire pit and basted with baste made from beer, worcesthire, hot sauce, cumin, salt, and pepper, also to be stuffed with onion, garlic cloves and lime slices. That is all. I now return you to your regularly scheduled inanity and insanity.

  6. DCW,

    Did you mention salt? How dare you publicise that well known killer.


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