Sunday, 7 August 2011

Riots spreading

It looks like the rioting is spreading.

A POLICE car has been attacked in Enfield Town amid clashes between rioters and police.

The vehicle in Church Street was pelted with bricks, while police have confirmed that two shops were targeted by gangs of people with hoods and scarves covering their face.

So that’s Tottenham, Wood Green, and now Enfield.

I’m disappointed. Could they not aim higher and decamp to Westminster?


  1. 07/08/11, 2345. Criminal gang activities now spread to Brixton and Edmonton. Met has continued to call for further reinforcements from County Forces.
    It's starting to look rather messy up in the Smoke. Seems that the dusky population has finally realised that they do, in fact, have the upper hand!

  2. Westminster works for me.
    On a lighter note, re your post with mention of Singapore; just back, it's still there. They're still knocking it down and re-building it as fast as ever, the Four Floors of.... oh, what's the word... anyway, it's still there and jumping. Have you seen their new hotel? Truly a sight to behold!! Now open;

  3. Captain Haddock8 August 2011 at 10:33

    Any excuse to go on the rampage will do ...


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