Sunday, 10 July 2011

A Lhunatic

Britain has some of the lowest energy prices in Europe, Energy Secretary Chris Huhne has insisted.

Well Cunt you millionaire twat, how come my future gas and electric are set to rise by 18% when energy prices are stable at the moment. You can bluster all you like, but more of the general public are starting to become aware that your panacea of so called “Green” energy is coming at a price.

And this heap of utter twaddle from a man that is a multi millionaire, who I suspect has never watched his meter spinning like a whirling dervish in winter.

And he said prices would be reduced in the long term as Britain moves from its reliance on oil and gas from the Middle East to renewable energy sources.

Do explain to me Cunt Mr Huhne, how many of those so called renewable sources were  generating power after 8 O’clock at night when we had the snow last winter. Wind was 0.7 %, and solar, obviously, was nil. (Just visit the DECC site

Just as an aside Mr Huhne. I’m afraid  that to call you the Right Honourable would cause me to be sick over my keyboard. How’s your speeding ticket affair coming along?

Relevant Sentencing Case Law

General sentencing brackets summarised in Archbold at 28-28 as follows:

  • threatening or interfering with witnesses - 4 months to 24 months.
  • concealing evidence - 4 months to 18 months, possibly longer if serious crime.
  • false allegation of crime resulting in arrest of innocent person - 4 to 12 months.

Of course you, like all politicians you are as pure as the driven snow. Bugger me. I can’t remember typing that. Welcome dementia.


  1. Captain Haddock11 July 2011 at 10:43

    Worry not FE .. Huhne will soon be Going, Going, GONE !

    His legs were done from the moment Camermong claimed to " .. have every confidence in him" ..

    And if enough people get sufficiently upset about the rise in fuel prices,Camermong will drop him faster than a toxic turd ..

  2. Captain Haddock11 July 2011 at 18:13

    You, me & millions of others FE ..

    I can't wait to see the smug little shit brought down a peg or two .. and, given a bit of proper justice .. doing time ..

  3. Only 18%? You lucky bastard!

    Read this :


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