Tuesday, 7 June 2011

They’ll come for you next.

*Puts on tin Foil Hat*



I see the latest bright idea to protect the Cheeeldren is, censorship by any other name, of the Internet.

Theresa May will outline plans to prevent computers in schools, libraries and colleges from accessing unlawful material on the internet.
She has criticised universities for their "complacency" in tackling Islamic extremism on campus, saying that for too long they have not been sufficiently willing to recognise what was happening

All in the name of protecting us from Terrorism.

But how long will it be before some bright spark in Government decides that us, anti big state, libertarians Bloggers are a threat to them.

Just a quick tweak of an Algorithm and………………………………………………

*Takes off nearly worn out tinfoil hat and replaces it carefully back in the cupboard*


  1. "But how long will it be before some bright spark in Government decides that us, anti big state, libertarians Bloggers are a threat to them".

    I think they've already reached that conclusion, FE. They're just softening up the public to accept that censorship is a worthy function of the state.

  2. With luck it will back fire, area meet ups with like minded individuals, smokey-drinky with a curry and seditious debate into the wee small hours, leading to organised demos, protests, leaflets, posters and other direct actions.

    Alternatively we can all roll over and accept our lot as illiterate, dumb, perpetual children. Nothing more than serfs and wage slaves to the elite.

  3. I read a few "technical" blogs when Egypt shut off the internet during the recent protests. It was heartening to see that lots of ingenuity was being used to get messages in/out. Things like satellite dishes for long range WiFi connections, and dial up access in other countries to circumvent the restrictions. It looks as if this sort of thing will be needed here before too much longer...


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