Tuesday, 28 June 2011


I’ve only been blogging in earnest for about eighteen months but have realised in that short time how we are being conned by just about everyone with the slightest vestige of power.

If we start at the so called top we have a prime minister who is so vacuous and wet that he can’t seem to hold any opinion for more than a day or two. As far as I can see, he has no idea how to run a country. All he is interested in is his image portrayed in the MSM, and to satisfy the Islington set.

We have unelected judges who are so out of touch with the people, which they as guardians of the law, should be protecting us from the criminal class, fail at every hurdle.

We have target driven policing that fails to protect the average citizen, but will meet it’s diversity targets.

We have 650 MP’s (Why for FFS do we need that many?), who when written to, will take at least a month to reply, usually with a quite inadequate response.

We used to have honourable citizens in the public services that would resign if they’d failed in their duties. Now all we get is the trite trotted out phrase “Lessons will be learnt”.

We have health and safety legislation that has taken away the onus of protecting one’s own persona, and replaced it with a cover my arse mentality by companies that can ill afford the red tape.

We have a political class that is enthralled by the EU, but does not realise that they are powerless to make any meaningful British laws that will be for the benefit of their citizens. (Again why do we need so many MP’s if the law is made in Brussels).

We have a quango attack on every slightest thing that might be regarded as a pleasure. Don’t smoke, don’t drink, eat your bloody five a day or else, and generally be a downtrodden serf.

We have green energy policies that will most likely see power cuts by 2015 due to the insane desire by our politicians bowing down to a Gaia worshipping minority (Yesterday the wind turbine output was supplying 0.8 percent of our energy needs).

Would it be too much to ask? Can I have the country that I used to know and love, which was full of freethinkers and go getters, back.


If there is any of the younger generation reading this. The ball is in your court. I’ve tried. It’s your turn now to save the country.


  1. FE,

    I feel your pain. I too, (in my ham-fisted way) have been blogging about the new Class of Inepts.

    "We have unelected judges..."

    More, we have a cadre of judges who have no idea, none at all, about the concept of justice. Courts are a business. They raise revenue. No more and no less.

    "We have target driven policing.."

    No, we don't. We have revenue generating freaks of nature. They care not a jot for the concept of right or wrong. They deal only with profit and loss.

    "We have 650 MP’s (Why for FFS do we need that many?), who when written to, will take at least a month to reply...."

    You lucky bastard. I have been waiting over TWO YEARS for a reply. They do not answer simple questions. Not if they cause them any discomfort. As far as I am concerned, ALL MPs are wankers. All of them.

    "We used to have honourable citizens..."

    The concept of honour is lost. These weirdo's have no idea how to spell the word. They are damned. They just don't know it yet.

    "We have a political class that is enthralled by the EU..."

    No, we don't. We have odd-bods (those who have never worked) realising that they can go from 18-65 without ever having worried about their constituents. We have a rash, a scourge, of career politicians. They are bacteria. They are scum. They are leeches. Nothing more.

    "Can I have the country that I used to know and love, which was full of freethinkers and go getters, back."

    Only if you want it badly enough.

    Only if you are prepared to die (or kill) for it.

    These selfish bastards want to be rich. Or rule you forever.

    Stop them. Or give in.

    Make a choice.


  2. Surely things can't be that bad!
    .... Thinking about it though leads me to think that another drink will help.

  3. Did not you all not give Britain to the grinner to play with - over and over?

  4. Anon. I gave nothing away. It was stolen from my store of trust.

  5. "If there is any of the younger generation reading this. The ball is in your court. I’ve tried. It’s your turn now to save the country"

    They are too fucking bone idle counting "ooz entitlements"


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