Sunday, 22 May 2011

Football quiz

1. Who did Tom Hanks “privately” save?

2. What do bands call their performances?

Nope that’s it. You really shouldn’t  read the MSM.


  1. Who's Apollo Concert?

  2. Captain Haddock23 May 2011 at 02:53

    1. Who did Tom Hanks “privately” save?

    The Whales & Footpaths ?

    2. What do bands call their performances?

    Beating Retreat ..

  3. Perhaps he should call his lawyers and ask for his money back - but I doubt he will get so much as a shilling.

    As they say - a fool and his money....

  4. Perhaps this sounds the death knell of super-injunctions.

    Hopefully Schillings and Carter-Ruck will lose business and go bust. But I'm not holding my breath over that.

  5. He should have 'fessed up ages ago. Yes, he'll be doing several nights stag on the sofa but if you cannot keep it zipped you have to face the music eventually.
    TTFN :)


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