Sunday, 6 March 2011

Dangerous Dim Bulbs.


Councils across the UK are refusing to pick up low-energy lightbulbs from homes as they contain toxic mercury, which gives off poisonous vapours.

Well tough titty.

I’m putting mine in the bin when they fail. I suggest that you complain to the EU about it, because I don’t care. I never asked for them.

Apart from the fact we used to do experiments with mercury when I was a youngster and I’m still alive. I mean really.

If a bulb is smashed, the UK’s Health Protection Agency advice is for householders to evacuate the room and leave it to ventilate for 15 minutes.

Just get a life.


  1. Amazing that nobody has made the point that ALL fluorescent lamps contain mercury, and always have done.

    And when I dispose of a conventional tube I'm not chucking a perfectly good ballast away...

  2. MD. Yes I've always known that. They change the rules to make us live in demi darkness, but don't do their research first. Then the get in a tizzy and expect us to do their work for them. maybe I'll break one and demand a Hazmat team to clear it up.

  3. You may be pleased to know, that you can now buy halogen light bulbs the same shape and size as proper light bulbs.
    Up to 91watts. I love the free market :-)

  4. I've got plenty of the old style light bulbs, enough to see me through; no you can't, so don't ask.

  5. Guess where my broken or failed CFL's go?

    Yep you guessed it, straight in the wheelie bin.

    Hopefully the mercury will kill of the fricking maggots in the summer.

  6. Yep. Bugger them. Into the bin they go.

    WhOOps. Where do you get the halogen ones from?

  7. I've seen halogen bulbs in Sainsbury's

    My only concern with them is the filament is usually oriented vertically rather than horizontally like traditional bulbs. This means most of the light is sent to the walls, rather than downwards. Just like CFL's!

    I suspect this is part of the reason most people complain of the inferior light output of the latter - it's not so much how many lumens are produced, but where those lumens are directed.

    I'm sticking with the conventional fluorescent tubes I installed over 30 years ago - they put the light where we want it, and must have saved us £100's over the years, to say nothing of the carbon emissions...


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