Thursday, 10 March 2011

Bloody hell!

As requested an Royal Air Force "Typhoon" pilot flies up to the back door of a C-130 (Hercules) for a photo shoot.

He radios, "How much closer do you want me?"


They radio, "How much closer can you get?"



Pilot Radios, ”Close enough?”

I think that proves that fighter pilots are still as mad as ever they were!!!


  1. Mad and stupid.

    F.O.D. or Foreign Object Debris.
    All it would take is a loose screw or similar rolling off the Herc's ramp straight into those nice big engine air intakes....

    I expect the pilots C/O will be inviting him for a little talk!!

    I also note that the Typhoon is VERY nose high, and has the leading edge slots deployed - that C130 must be flying pretty slowly.

  2. That's Prince Andrew larking about, where's his nonce mate?

  3. XX All it would take is a loose screw or similar rolling off the Herc's ramp straight into those nice big engine air intakes....XX

    Something like a camera man?

  4. Captain Haddock11 March 2011 at 10:07

    All risks aside .. it still took a lot of "bottle" on the part of all concerned ..

  5. Christ there's always someone on a Health and Safety whinge.
    Fucking magic flying from the pilot. Brilliant


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