Monday, 28 February 2011


Thank you, to all that comment on my posts. I would like to reply individually to you but I’m a lazy bastard. I do appreciate that you find my blog, informative, irritating, hateful, stupid, ill informed, unfactual, biased, puerile, ridiculous, hateful, ranty, lazy, and downright Blogolazy ™.

Thanks for your efforts. It’s what keeps me blogging , knowing that someone actually reads the drivel that I write.

You are the true superstars.


  1. I know I'm a superstar and you're a lazy bastard. Go on, give your readers a wee treat and for at least a day acknowledge the effort your commenters make.

    Go on, you know you want to...

    It's time consuming but it's the least we can do as bloggers.

  2. I'll start by replying to you Subrosa.

    I find it difficult enough writing the crap that I post. But I will try to do better in the comments.


Say what you like. I try to reply. Comments are not moderated. The author of this blog is not liable for any defamatory or illegal comments.