Monday, 20 December 2010

Have Guardian Readers changed their minds about Global Warming?

Maybe so if the comments on this article are something to go by.

The majority have been quite scathing about AGW and quite a few are slagging off the Quango that masquerades as the Met Office.

It was also interesting Today that Boris Johnson is also wobbling, and that the BBC  6 O’clock news were erring on the side of caution. Normally the Beeb would have made the case that it was all to do with man made warming.

It’s all coming apart for the worshippers of AGW.


  1. Norman Tebbit has more blatantly 'outed' himself as a sceptic.

    Could get interesting.

  2. The Guardian appears not to have any comments for this article? Are you sure there were some, as I cannot imagine a liberal newspaper censoring its own readers.

  3. The comments about this piece were made on other blogs. Sorry to mislead you.


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