Monday, 22 November 2010

Another Climate Change scientist repenteth.


More and more scientists are trying to jump of the slow moving supertanker before  the propellers fall off.

A top East European climatologist, who shared the Nobel Peace Prize with UN global warming colleagues, jumps a sinking ship as ocean data signals a cooler climate.
Dr. Lucka Kajfež Bogataj left cold clear water between herself and her former UN shipmates by declaring that rising levels of airborne carbon dioxide probably don’t cause global temperatures to rise. The news scuppers hopes for a change in fortune for the beleaguered UN climate agency. Their doomed ‘ship,’ the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been sailing on an ill wind ever since it was struck by that
Climategate ‘torpedo’ last year.

They’re taking to the lifeboats  now, faster than you can say “Titanic”.

She’s now saying what most of us have suspected.

Buried in an otherwise drab study on paleo- and proxy methods, Dr. Bogataj admitted to what skeptics have long been saying and what the ice core proxy data shows: that rises in atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) are proven to mostly, if not always, occur AFTER rises in temperature.

Do go and read the whole article as it appears that there are even more scientists queuing for a place in the lifeboats. It’s over at Climate realists.

1 comment:

  1. But still the unrepentant Mann flourishes! New Scientist of 30/10/10 had a self-promotion by Mann, entitled, "Watch out, deniers about". It's full of lies and "I did nothing wrong" of course.
    Unfortunately these people really do not know when to stop their distortions and admit their errors - they should remember the wise words of Dennis Healy: "When you're already in a hole, stop digging".


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